Mike Rouse (click for short CV)
Pharmacists using their knowledge and experience, reveal the needs of patients, set priorities in the treatment process, and take responsibility for a positive outcome of drug therapy (Hepler and Strand, 1989). To achieve the desired therapeutic goal in patients, pharmacists have to use therapeutic guidelines based on clinical evidence, scientific facts, modern technologies, and the relevant legal, ethical, cultural, economic and professional principles. Pharmacists are the primary source of science-based and validated information and advice relating to safe, adequate, effective and pharmaco-economically reasonable use of drugs.
A drug-related problem (DRP) exists when a patient experiences or is likely to experience a new disease or symptoms that have a real or potential association with the pharmacotherapy that the patient is taking. The Pharmaceutical Care Network of Europe (PCNE) classification of drug-related problems has, for the primary purpose, emphasized the role of the pharmacist in caring for the patient, focusing on the patient’s needs and outcomes of treatment. Eight different categories of drug-related problems have been described, and examples are provided for each category. The PCNE classification brought a new vocabulary in the description of the process of pharmacy care and created the need for these problems to be documented, processed and interpreted, and to take interventions in which problems would be prevented, mitigated or resolved in the safest way for the patient.

Arijana Meštrović (click for short CV)
There is evidence that patient-centred approaches to health care consultations may have better outcomes than traditional advice-giving, especially when lifestyle change is involved. Motivational interviewing (MI) is a patient-centred approach that is gathering increased interest in health settings. It provides a way of working with patients who may not seem ready to make the behaviour changes that are considered necessary by the health practitioner.
The skills that motivational interviewing practitioners need are those that also are needed for enabling communication in healthcare: reflection, active listening and open-ended questioning. Unlike Rogerian approaches, the technique can include elements of “direction” and is balanced with elements of “following”. This shows a guiding style rather than the leading style seen in consultations over medical treatment or where advice is given. Central to motivational interviewing is a belief in a patients’ inherent resources rather than extrinsic problem solving, which contrasts with the expert-novice dynamic of some professional-client relationships.
The workshop will introduce and present the clinical aspects of the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process, discussing what needs to be collected about the patient and their disease and medicines.5 Three case studies will be discussed by participants. The Drug-Related Problems Classification will be discussed, along with how to set and achieve therapeutic goals, including prioritization, implementation and follow up. The final portion of the workshop will address motivational communication and Indicators of Quality for patient care services.
The SMART Pharmacist Program is a sustainable, evidence-based educational initiative, designed for national professional institutions, associations, and chambers to foster changes in the pharmacy profession. The Program involves all elements of the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Model, including application and impact on everyday pharmacy practice. Quality of education is assured by appropriate structure, process and outcomes of learning, all designed in the national context and with strong impact on the personal motivation of pharmacists and patient care.
To achieve the status of “SMART Pharmacist,” participants need to open and to start using a SMART Pharmacist Portfolio, which includes reflection, self-evaluation (self-assessment of competency and quality for patient services), planning their learning (defining SMART learning objectives) and application – implementation phase. Once they can demonstrate an increase of competency levels, as well as results on the patients’ level, they are recognized as SMART Pharmacists.
The workshop will provide participants (trainers) with a refresher on CPD principles and concepts, and guidance on how they can train pharmacists to use a portfolio, self-assess competence and quality of services, implement a clinical module, and collect and report on patient data.

Sofia Kälvemark Sporrong (click for short CV)

Susanne Kaae (click for short CV)
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This lecture will take us from the history of pharmacy in the 20th century to that of today – and tomorrow. Our point of departure will be former pharmacies where services were about logistics and manufacturing, through the development of the pharmaceutical industry, were pharmacies – and pharmacists – had to find a new role. The development of pharmaceutical care in both hospital and community pharmacies made for a new focus and a development of the role of pharmacists. In the last decades different pharmacy services have been developed, but how are we meeting the patients today? Some examples from the Nordic countries will be given. Last, but not least, what is coming in the future? Today patient-centered care is in focus – but what is it and how should it be developed? We will also touch upon new technologies, focusing on 3D-printing, and what that could mean for pharmacies in the future.
Value-Based Health Care (VBHC) – is a health care delivery model that was developed at Harvard Business School in the early 2000s. It defines the value of healthcare as the outcomes achieved for patients relative to costs. Hence, it strives to use healthcare recourses efficiently to improve patient outcomes. However, the model has also been heavily criticized, e.g for being more business- than care-oriented and for not taking the patient’s perspective into account. A short introduction to the concept of value-based healthcare will be given in the workshop, as well as some of the critique. Then the implications of VBHC for pharmacists will be discussed in groups and in plenum.

Michael Scott (click for short CV)
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This presentation will look at the development of the current medicines optimisation process from its original starting point as an integrated medicines management programme to the current system and processes in operation in Northern Ireland. It will also highlight the role of the Medicines Optimisation Innovation Centre (MOIC) in driving further improvement with regard to the optimal use of medicines.

Claudia Rijcken (click for short CV)
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Blending human and digital pharmaceutical care can establish what we call AI: Apothecary Intelligence.
In order to be prepared for this future of care, it is recommended to understand the magnitude of digital health technologies that collect digital biomarkers now and in years to come. The presentation will deep-dive in some of the most promising tools and give examples of how they are currently already being used.
Once knowing about these technologies, the next phase is grasping the conditions to integrate those technologies in the pharmaceutical care process. Aspects of compliance, education, organizational design and ethics are crucial to take into account when envisioning the pharmacist of the future.
That will cover the second part of Digital Pharmaceutical Care – new solutions for the future.
Blended care is defined as care that is provided digital if possible and human if required.
In our increasingly digitally organized society, it is more and more possible to move to digital care provision. Convergence of different care technologies create abundant data sets of (individual) patients. They are digested by different artificial intelligence methods to extract new insights and provide new, intelligent services.
What kind of opportunities does this create for the pharmacist of the future?
In this workshop, you will learn on the technologies, get an introduction of analyzing big healthcare data and understand how their output leads to decision support tools that can enhance pharmacists in optimizing and personalizing patient care.

Jürgen Jänese (click for short CV)
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Pharmaceutical care in Estonia slowly accepts new technological trends as well, however the radical changes take time. As the amount of digital health tools increase, many pharmacies in Estonia have responded to worldwide market changes with innovative business models by investing more in digital health and technologies in order to provide patients greater access to more convenient high-level care. This lecture will look at current and future developments of pharmaceutical care in Estonia and how we are utilizing the clinical knowledge to offer an increased variety of services with help of automation from robotics to various IT tools.

Piotr Merks (click for short CV)
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Dr Merks has presented widely at national and international meetings and is a recognized leader across the pharmacy profession and, more widely, in science, pharmaceutical technology and innovation. He is also working closely with FIP on development of pharmaceutical pictograms, and Polish pharmacy sector as an Advisor. In 2015, Piotr was appointed to the Board of Mazovian Pharmacy Chamber and International Affairs Section of the National Pharmacy Chamber in Poland.
His work, research and leadership, have been recognized internationally, and he is being invited to many international events as a guest speaker. Throughout his career, Piotr has acted as a passionate advocate for the pharmacy profession and has partnered with stakeholders across sectors to align the pharmacy workforce with the Sustainable Development Goals to make an embracing change for the pharmacy as a profession.
Medication Use Review session intro
Medication Use Review session presentation of Croatia
Medication Use Review session presentation of Estonia
Medication Use Review session presentation of Hungary
Medication Use Review session presentation of Iran
Medication Use Review session presentation of Latvia
Medication Use Review session presentation of Lithuania
Medication Use Review session presentation of Romania